
Gwesyll y Glas Gymraeg yr Oesoedd Canol - Medieval Welsh Freshers Camp

Who, When, Where?

Welsh SSAGO (and friends) are heading to Cadoxton camp site in Neath from the 25th-27th October. 

What are we doing?

There'll be large range of activities going on, all medieval-themed, including jousting, archery, and campfire cooking. 

How much?

The camp will cost £26 for the 2 nights, and can be paid for through the Swansea SU* website here: https://www.swansea-union.co.uk/events/6963/9130/



*You can create a guest account with the SU in order to pay, get in touch if you have any issues.






If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact webmaster@ssago.org.